Intuitive Aura Reading and Divination Session

Intuitive readings involve loving messages and guidance from Source and your Spirit team. By tapping into your psychic field, I can translate your energy and the energy around you to bring you insight and clarity generally or in an area of your life. Intuitive divination sessions can help guide you to an answer for a specific question you have.

Spirit shows me imagery and symbols in my mind’s eye. These are sometimes literal to your life and are often coded with deeper meaning and metaphors. I will often tap into the energy field around you, your aura, to see what is showing up in your energy/life at present. I will see, hear, sense, and have “knowings” when translating messages or packages of energy from Spirit.

I may use a pendulum, Runes, and Tarot or oracle cards to provide additional intuitive messages if called to do so by Spirit.

If you have a question or concern regarding a future timeline, know that the future is not set in stone (based on my experience), and I am therefore limited to picking up on and tapping into probabilities for the future. I work intuitively, not as a fortune teller!

Before our session, I will go into meditation to connect with Spirit, tap into your energy, and receive messages on your behalf to begin the reading immediately after introductions, when you are ready.

If you would like to have a particular question or area of your life specifically addressed ( i.e. relationships, career, life purpose, etc.,) please provide one in the “Comments” section when booking your reading. Otherwise, I will open the session up to Spirit to see what comes through.

$50 now $30 for 30 minutes

I am currently offering this service 40% off in celebration of the official launching of my business! Book a session now to receive this amazing deal!

Divination tools, a pendulum and oracle cards.

Multidimensional Mediumship™ Session

For connection to and direct communication with specific members of your Spirit team, including angels, guides, ascended masters, gods, goddesses, & other archetypal energies, ancestors, passed love ones, nature elementals, and inter-dimensional galactic light beings.

Receive messages from your Spirit Team about your life purpose and spiritual and personal development.

As a Multidimensional Psychic Medium, I connect with individual energies one at a time, in order to bring through more conversational messages from a specific being. This could be a communication with an angel, your deceased mother, or a galactic interdimensional being. Multiple spirits can come through during a session depending on what is being addressed and who is showing up to talk!

Your Spirit team is diverse and made up of a multitude of energies, guides, and beings. I hold the intention to bring through only beings and energies of light and love, for the highest and greatest good of all. You can set the same intention with yourself and your Spirit team, as well as requesting only certain beings show up for you during a mediumship session.

When booking a Multidimensional Mediumship session with me, it helps to choose your top one to four beings you’d like to invite to communicate with you during the 45 minute session. This is for practicality’s sake, and from my experience as both a medium and a sitter, certain energies tend to do most of the talking anyway, while the others hold the space, chiming in when necessary! Just submit who you’d like to connect with in the “Comments” section when booking, such as “my passed loved ones, an Archangel, and whoever shows up” or “my main spirit guide, ancestors, and my nature elemental guide.”

All of our Spirit team is shifting and developing on the other side just as we are on this side, so no two sessions will ever be the same. Sometimes with passed loved ones, certain individuals may not show up or may not say much depending on if they recently passed and are doing life review processing. Other psychic mediums claim we lose and change out guides throughout our lifetime. Based on my experience, I believe we are able to make contact with all of our Spirit team members at any time, even if it is for only a brief moment. If a guide or energy does not show up or communicate with me for you, it is going to be for another reason, not because they have left you for good!

Also know that the personalities of our loved ones will come through in order to help us identify them, but that means your highly critical grandma or foul-mouthed uncle may come through like they did when incarnate! I do my best to hold the intention for positive, loving, and helpful messages first and personality evidences a close second!

Before our session, I will go into meditation to connect with Spirit, tap into your energy, and receive messages on your behalf to begin the session immediately after introductions, when you are ready.

$75 now $45 for 45 minutes

I am currently offering this service 40% off in celebration of the official launching of my business! Book a session now to receive this amazing deal!

Many hands open palmed, receiving Spirit, and a white feather floating down.
A colorful sunset reflecting on a beach with a person standing open armed.
A woman standing and receiving reiki energy by the ocean.

Usui Reiki and Channeled Angelic Energy Attunement Session

For energetic transformation, restoration,and soul alignment to Source and the Archangels.

As a Spiritual Channel, energies are much more embodied, allowing Spirit to speak and move through me directly to you. For the purposes of this energy work session, I am aligning to and calling in Reiki energy and Archangelic energy to channel through me to be delivered to you. These energetic attunements are for your benefit, in alignment with your intention and for the highest and greatest good of all. Through my energy work sessions, I have found the energy of the Angels and Reiki to be the most potent and powerful forces for restoration and balance of the body, mind, and spirit.

Each session is different as they are tailored to each individual’s intentions and needs. Though the foundation of the session is Reiki and Archangelic energy, I open myself up as an intuitive channel to allow Spirit to create the perfect energy session for you at that time. I may also work with the energy of certain crystals or herbs if called to do so by Spirit. For energy to work its magick, all you have to do is invite it in! Trust that however you experience the energy is exactly right for you.

Before our session, I will go into meditation to connect with Spirit and the Archangels to receive guidance for my session with you. I will also tap into your energetic field, your aura, and your energy centers to gain clarity around where the energy will be directed for you. Once we are in session and have discussed your intentions, I will enter a slightly altered state to initiate the energy attunements.

If you would like to have a particular spiritual or energetic concern specifically addressed ( i.e. empathic overwhelm, low energy, cord cutting etc.,) please submit it in the “Comments” section when booking your session. I will do my best to accommodate you when collaborating with you and Spirit! Otherwise, I will open the session up to Source to see what energy the Angels channel through.

$50 now $30 for 30 minutes

I am currently offering this service 40% off in celebration of the official launching of my business! Book a session now to receive this amazing deal!

Woman meditating in the sun.
Watercolor angel feather

Reflecting Divinity is now on Etsy!

  • PDF Typed Message & Photo Intuitive Tarot and Oracle Reading

    Intuitive Tarot & Oracle Readings--delivered in a PDF

    Options for 1, 2, or 3 questions, a General Reading for what you need to know right now, or simple spreads, including a Relationship Snapshot and a Yes, No, Maybe & Why Reading.

  • A Recorded Video Message Intuitive Tarot Reading for Finding Love and Romance

    Tarot Spreads for Relationship Insight & Personal Growth--delivered as videos

    Finding Love and Romance, Insight into a Current Relationship, From Conflict to Harmony in a Relationship, Align to Abundance, and Uncover your Courage Readings, available now!

  • Video Recorded Intuitive Tarot and Oracle Readings

    Intuitive Tarot & Oracle Readings--delivered as videos

    Options for 1, 2, or 3 questions and a General Reading for what you need to know right now from Spirit. Specifically themed Tarot spreads are also available for purchase.

  • General Intuitive Tarot and Oracle Reading Reading Audio Recording

    Intuitive Tarot & Oracle Readings--delivered as audio

    Options for 1, 2, or 3 questions and a General Reading for what you need to know right now from Spirit. Specifically themed Tarot spreads are also available for purchase as video and PDF readings.

You can now find me on the app, purple ocean™! As a Psychic Advisor, I offer Intuitive Tarot & Oracle Readings

  • $12 for a personal 3 minute recorded reading, delivered within 24 hours

  • $18 for a personal 3 minute recorded reading, delivered within 1 hour

Please take note of some important info for your spiritual session…

Painted orange flowers

Before we meet for an intuitive session via video chat or phone call at the scheduled day and time, I preemptively bring through messages and guidance from Spirit to start off the session as soon as introductions and an opening prayer are made. The prayer is an invitation for Spirit to give you guidance for your highest and greatest good.

We will meet via a Teleport Video meeting (link emailed upon booking,) or if specified by you in the “Comments” section when booking, I will call the phone number provided at the scheduling of the reading, so please make sure it is correct. You do not need to have your camera on for intuitive or mediumship sessions, but does help if on during energy work sessions.

You will receive an email reminder 24 hours before the session.

Please make sure you will be in a comfortable, quiet place conducive to connection with Spirit. A space free from interruptions is key to remaining present and fully receiving what Source brings through. Headphones or earbuds are recommended to minimize outside noise. During an Energy Attunement session, it is helpful for me to be able to see your face and upper body throughout the process if possible.

Working with Spirit, energy, and hypnosis is just one facet of personal transformation. I believe it is most effective in conjunction with medical procedures and psychological methods prescribed by professionals. Never use energy work, hypnosis, coaching, or spirituality to replace treatment provided by a medical or psychological professional. I am not a licensed medical professional and am working within energetic, spiritual, and coaching modalities, not providing medical advice or treatment for diagnosed conditions or disorders.

A green dragonfly

Please see our Terms and Conditions for information on our services and cancellation policy.

source energy hearts minds connection sovereignty free will alignment.png

Do you have healthy skepticism?

Please only book a session with me if you are open and willing to receive what comes through.

The Universe, Source Energy, Spirit, respects your free will, your sovereignty, and your boundaries.

Closed hearts and minds will limit what can be achieved in any session or reading, and Spirit will abide by the energetic boundary you set.

Open hearts and minds will always lead to greater things, not just in the realm of Spirit, but in the 3D world as well.

And remember, you can always choose to take what resonates with you from a session and leave what you feel is not in alignment with you.

That is your sovereignty in action.

For intuitively guided pick-a-card Tarot & oracle readings, hypnotic meditations, and videos on spirituality, check out the Reflecting Divinity YouTube channel!

A magical book opened with pages blowing in the wind and a moon light glowing in the background.

Spiritual Trainings & Certifications

Lightshine Spiritual Academy, 2022 Channeling Intensive Graduate

Lightshine Spiritual Academy, 2022 Astrology: Empowered by the Cosmos

Intuitive Healing Arts Academy, 2023 Advanced Channeling Immersive Training

Intuitive Healing Arts Academy, 2023 Animal Communication Certified

Intuitive Healing Arts Academy, 2023 Intuitive Psychic Development Training (Level 3)

Intuitive Healing Arts Academy, 2023 Multidimensional Mediumship™ Certified

Melissa Crowhurst, Energy Healing Mudras Course Certificate of Completion 2023

Lightshine Spiritual Academy, 2021 & 2022 Intuitive Intensive Graduate

Lightshine Spiritual Academy, 2021 Intuitive Certification Program

Lightshine Spiritual Academy, 2021 Nature Elementals Workshop

Lightshine Spiritual Academy, 2021 Usui Reiki I & II Certified

Lightshine Spiritual Academy, 2021 Energy Intensive Graduate

Lightshine Spiritual Academy, 2021 Witchcraft Workshop

Lightshine Spiritual Academy, 2021 The Mystical Medium Workshop

Hypnosis Certifications & Coach Trainings

Transformation Academy, Professional Life Coach Certified 2023

Transformation Academy & Emily Rivera, The Angel Coach, Spiritual Coach Certified 2023

iNLP Center, IHA accredited, Certified Hypnosis Practitioner 2023

iNLP Center, IHA accredited, Certified Advanced Hypnosis Practitioner 2023

The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, Hypnosis Practitioner Certified 2023

Past Life Awakening Institute, Sprit Releasement Therapy-Spiritual Entity Healing 2023

Cybin, EMBARK Open Access by Cybin Certificate of Completion 2024

I was trained as a Certified Advanced Hypnosis Practitioner at the iNLP Center, an International Hypnosis Association accredited program.

For information on my training and academic degrees in Fine Art as a Studio Artist with a focus in Painting, please click here: Art Gallery

INLP Certified Practitioner of Hypnosis
Certified Animal Communicator Badge
Intuitive Intensive Seal
Certified Multidimensional Medium Badge
Energy Intensive 2021 Graduate Certificate
Reiki I and II Certification
Channeling Intensive 2022 Graduate Certificate
Certified Spiritual Life Coach Badge
Certified Professional Life Coach Badge


I feel safely seen when I receive a reading from Jamie. Nurtured in love and respect, her readings provide astonishingly accurate intuitive insight and guidance. I highly recommend her intuitive services!
— Kate D.
I am amazed at the ability, knowledge, and talent Jamie possesses. After both my past life regression and inner parts work, I have more clarity regarding deeply rooted personal issues. Jamie’s process has helped me work through my issues in a positive way.
— C.E.G

Let’s stay connected!

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